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  Book Lists

As a service to our customers, QTW provides booklists for students of all major training institutions. On this page you can find book lists for courses, arranged alphabetically under their respective training institution. The book lists also provide easy links to the books' respective page on our website, allowing for simple and convenient browsing and shopping.

If you are unsure about a book that you require, we encourage you to contact your teacher or course coordinator for more information, before placing an order.



Australian Trade Training College

Mater Education Limited

TAFE Queensland Brisbane

TAFE Queensland Online

TQB Migrant Education

TAFE Queensland Gold Coast

TAFE Queensland East Coast

TAFE Queensland South West

TAFE Queensland SkillsTech

THINK Education

USC - University of Sunshine Coast

Australian Trade Training College

Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Trades


Commercial Cookery

Construction Trades

Electrical Trades

Plumbing Trades

Mater Health Education 2020

Mater Education Nursing Book List

USC - University of Sunshine Coast

Batchelor of Nursing Science 2020

TAFE Queensland Brisbane 2019

TQB - Adult Tertiary Prep

TQB - Diploma Justice Studies

TQB - Nursing Diploma CABOOLTURE

TQB - Nursing Diploma SOUTHBANK

TQB - Project Management Diploma

TQB - Veterinary Nursing Certificate III & IV

TAFE Queensland Online 2019 

TQO - Justice & Government

TQB Migrant Education 2019

TQB Migrant Education - ESL Book List

  TAFE Queensland Gold Coast 2019

TQGC - Accounting & Bookkeeping Cert IV

 TAFE Queensland East Coast 2019

TQEC - Accounting Diploma

TQEC - Bookkeeping Cert IV

TQEC - Business Admin Cert III

TQEC - Business Admin Medical Cert III

TQEC - Business Diploma

TQEC - Health Admin Cert III

TQEC - Health Services Assistance Cert III

TQEC - Nursing Diploma

TQEC - Remedial Massage Diploma

TAFE Queensland South West 2019

TQSW - Bookkeeping Cert IV

TQSW - Nursing Diploma

TAFE Queensland SkillsTech 2019

STA - Renewable Energy

STA - Automotive Cert II

STA - Electrical Trades

STA - Engineering Acacia Ridge 2020 

THINK Education Nursing College Brisbane 2019

Diploma of Nursing - HLT54115

Nursing Accessories

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