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ISBN 9781760422745

Author/Module Code: DEIN, STEEL, McGILL

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Price: $81.00 AUD inc GST


Human Resource Management in Practice provides complete coverage across Certificate IV and Diploma in Human Resources in the BSB07 Business Services Training Package. This book has been adapted from the successful Human Resource Management resource by Noe et al. and has been written to reflect competencies and literacy standards for Australian Vocational Education students.

Part One: The Human Resource Environment
Chapter One: Managing Human Resources
Chapter Two: Trends in Human Resource Management
Chapter Three: Monitor and Contribute to a Safe Workplace
Part Two: Acquiring and Preparing Human Resources
Chapter Four: Analysing Work and Designing Jobs
Chapter Five: Planning for and Recruiting Human Resources
Chapter Six: Selecting Employees and Placing Them in Jobs
Chapter Seven: Training Employees
Part Three: Assessing Performance and Developing Employees
Chapter Eight: Managing Employee's Performance
Chapter Nine: Developing Employees for Future Success
Chapter Ten: Manage Separation or Termination
Part 4: Compensating Human Resoures
Chapter Eleven: Establishing a Pay Structure
Chapter Twelve: Recognising Employee Contributions with Pay
Chapter Thirteen: Providing Employee Benefits
Part Five: Meeting Other Human Resources Goals
Chapter Fourteen: Employee and Industrial Relations Procedures
Chapter Fifteen: Managing Human Resources Globally
Chapter Sixteen: Creating and Maintaining High-Performance Organisations

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