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ISBN 9781418013745

Author/Module Code: JEFFUS

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Price: $135.00 AUD inc GST



CHAPTERS: 1. Introduction. 2. Welding Safety. 3. Shop Math. 4. Reading Technical Drawings. 5. Welding Joint Design, Welding Symbols. 6. Fabricating Techniques and Practices. 7. Welding Shop Practices. 8. Shielded Metal Arc Equipment, Setup, and Operation. 9. Shielded Metal Arc Welding Plate. 10. Shielded Metal Arc Welding Pipe. 11. Gas Metal Arc Welding Equipment and Materials. 12. Gas Metal Arc Welding. 13. Flux Core Arc Welding Equipment and Materials. 14. Flux Core Arc Welding. 15. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Equipment and Materials. 16. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding. 17. Oxyfuel Welding and Cutting Equipment, Setup, and Operation. 18. Oxyacetylene Welding. 19. Soldering, Brazing, and Braze Welding Processes. 20. Soldering and Brazing. 21. Oxyacetylene Cutting. 22. Plasma Arc Cutting. 23. Arc Cutting, Gouging, and Related Cutting Processes. 24. Other Welding Processes. 25. Welding Automation and Robotics. 26. Filler Metal Selection. 27. Welding Metallurgy. 28. Weldability of Metals. 29. Welder Certification. 30. Testing and Inspecting Welds.

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